Under this title we want to illuminate a few aspects of money that we think are significant.
Money Crisis in the focus
The title works in two directions. Money itself is in a critical condition. Money and finance have led us into massive crises. And the crises are by no means over; on the contrary they make us uncertain about where all this is leading to, for money – and for us.
Fundamental critique of money
And the title also underlines the importance of taking a critical look at money, in a positive way. Money is more than crises; its functional success over centuries led us to our present critical condition. And that demands that we make a fundamental critique of money: What is money that it is capable of such importance? What are its preconditions, how does it work, and for what purpose? We want to pursue such questions and we invite you to join us.

Seven categories to «money critical»
In seven categories, we move step by step from the known to the less familiar: From coins and other manifestations of money (banknotes, digital money), to the relationships that it enables between people and things, all the way to money as a way of thinking.

Orientation assistance
Everyone needs some kind of framework to assimilate new information. We offer orientation assistance about the theme of money to organize information and ideas. Because everything seems to revolve around money in the popular imagination. But instead of stirring up fears of change, a broad perspective will open our minds to a new vision of money.

The Sunflower Foundation encourages contributions on the theme of money
The Sunflower Foundation wants to encourage technical and nontechnical contributions on the theme of money by supporting fellowships, granting prizes and also commissioning texts, videos and events.
We want to present changes in the realm of money to the broad public and then set priorities.