
Books from the collection MoneyMuseum


Browse through the MoneyMuseum's collection. We have put together subject areas for you in which selected books are examined with regard to their historical, social and intellectual context.

A total of 400 works were published in the Manesse Library of World Literature in the first 40 years, i.e. from the middle of the Second World War to the 1980s. We have compiled them - sorted by the year of publication of the publisher or author - and provided them with a brief summary (to be completed shortly). The originals can all be found in the MoneyMuseum collection.

Works from the Manesse Library

further information

Select a work and display a detailed description. You can then ask questions about the work, the more precise the questions, the more valuable the answers. Give the system 10 seconds to formulate the answer. 

The 100 authors with the highest sales figures at Diogenes Verlag have published an average of around ten books. Sorted by year of birth and name, these authors are briefly presented here (coming soon). The originals can be viewed in the MoneyMuseum.

Portrait of 100 authors from Diogenes Verlag (year = year of birth)

further information

Select an author and display a detailed analysis. You can then ask questions about the work - the more precise the questions, the more valuable the answers. Give the system 10 seconds to formulate the answer. 


 Other important works of literature that are suitable for dialog.

Other important works

The Nobel Prize for Literature, awarded annually since 1901, honors authors for their extraordinary contributions to humanity. Founded by Alfred Nobel, it is intended to honor works that have an "ideal direction". Numerous laureates addressed universal issues and social grievances, enriched literature and contributed to the promotion of humanistic values.

Nobel Prize Winners Literature

Additional Guides


Sections of our Library



The Money System




A blockchain is a digital, decentralized database that stores information in blocks that are linked together chronologically. It is secure, transparent and resistant to manipulation because each block is cryptographically secured and changes must be checked by all participants.


  • Automation of the financial sector
  • Changes in the world of work
  • Personalization of financial planning
  • Ethics and regulation
  • New money

20 potential questions

Here are 20 possible questions you could ask a literary book, particularly in the context of learning about money, society and personal understanding:

1. What fundamental values or principles does the book convey that are relevant to dealing with money?

2. How does the book's plot influence the way we view wealth and poverty?

3. Does the book address social inequalities, and how are they presented?

4. What role does money play in the lives of the characters, and how does it affect their relationships?

5. Does the book reflect historical or cultural perspectives on how to handle money?

6. What does the book show about the emotional impact of money or its lack?

7. Does the book critically examine economic systems or structures?

8. How do the protagonists deal with financial challenges or crises?

9. Are there parallels between the financial decisions of the characters and my own behavior?

10. Does the book question or redefine the idea of ownership?

11. What alternatives to capitalist monetary systems are addressed or implied in the book?

12. Are there any scenes or lines in the book that are particularly inspiring or educational about money?

13. How does the book depict wealth – as desirable, problematic, or ambivalent?

14. What does the book teach about the moral or ethical aspects of money and possessions?

15. What symbolism or metaphors are used in the book to represent money or prosperity?

16. How does the book change my attitude towards thrift, generosity, or wastefulness?

17. Are there characters whose approach to money could be a role model?

18. How is the dependency on money portrayed in the book, and what alternatives are offered?

19. What role do power and influence play in connection with money in the book?

20. Does the book encourage me to rethink my own financial goals or priorities?

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