Money and the Feminine Archetype

Do you admire rich people like Aristotle Onassis or Bill Gates? Do you envy your brother who has just bought himself a red Ferrari? Are you proud when you earn a million on the stock exchange in a short period? Or are you even ashamed because you have inherited a lot of money? One thing is clear, money mobilises feelings and emotions. In our world money is one of the main points of dispute and at the same time a mysterious taboo. That is why many books have been written about the obviously close connection between money and psychology. Titles like "Beziehungskiller: Das liebe Geld" (The Killer of Relationships: Dear Money), "Der Mythos vom Geld" (The Myth of Money) or "Der Geist in der Münze" (The Spirit in the Coin) speak volumes. " Mysterium Geld" (The Mystery of Money), however, the book by Bernard Lietaer, takes us deeper into the world of the psyche, of myths and archetypes than any other. The finance expert, who today teaches sustainability and archetypal psychology in the USA, draws on an enormous fund of knowledge. A completely new look at our world, our currency systems and our money emerges from his creative and stimulating linkages.