Picture Tours of coins
3 - 8 pages on selected topics of coin collection. Pdf file to download.
Activity3antiquarian23Article52Audio Roman Republic7Audio: Library26Audio: traditional means of payment14Bank Notes5Bitcoin5Coins105Collection14Crisis24Debt6Exchange6Film22Financial know-how34Fortune5Gold8History194Lecture39Library119Library Jürg40Major currencies10Money40Money Compendium1Money personality5Money-and-philosophy6Money-stories-and-history14Money:critical41MoneyMuseum164Picture-tours70Psychology12Psychology of money31Psychology-of-work6Publications29Secrecy27Sunflower155The-future-of-money5Traditional-currencies3Trust4Video25Wealth5
Anonym2Artmann Barbara1Backe Anita2Backe Annika11Bates Steven1Baumann Gabriella1Bibel7Birchler Urs2Boccarius Peter1Bockelmann Eske29Conzett Jürg15Cornelius Robin1Dettenhofer Maria2Fischer Calista5Frei Daniel1Furrer Art1Hinrichs Hansjörg1Hoffmann Günter3Hottinger Arnold1Isler-Kerényi Cornelia1Jewanski Adelheid1Junkelmann Marcus1Kampmann Ursula126Keel Andy1Knechtle Julia2Koenig Peter2Lehner Heidi2Lorenz Dagmar5Manser Gabriela1Mildenberg Leo1MoneyMuseum80Notter Pius1Pfeifer Andrea1Platthaus Andreas1Polleit Thorsten2Rau Joachim1Schanz Susanne1Schär Katrin1Schlögl Christina19Schneebeli Robert1Schneider Lukas1Schöpe Björn15Schwyzer Carol9Seljak Anton1Sommer Andreas Urs4Sweidan Adam1Teklić Teresa26Tschäppeler Roman1Ursula Kohler1Weber-Berg Christoph1Wehner Theo6Wenk Christian1Wessbecher Harald1Zangger Eberhard1Znoj Heinzpeter1
Lukas 12: The parable of the rich fool
Money – Original or worthless Copy?
What does Sunflower want?
The Love Of Money
Lukas 08: A parable of investing
What does Money mean for me?
The Meaning of Life
Love – the all-binding principle
What is Money really?
Markus 12: The parable of Offering
Wealth Inequality in America
The 10 Money Secrets
Art and Mystery
How big is a Trillion?
What Money Type are you?
Matthew 25: The parable of the Talents
Markus 14: parable of price versus value
Matthew 20: The parable of the laborers
Heidi Lehner – about Growth
Serendipity – the money secret
Markus 10: The parable of the rich man
I Ching Video – The Book of Changes
Fibonacci and the sunflower
«Is getting rich worth it?»