
Abbasid Empire, Egypt, Ikhshidid Dynasty, Abul Qasim Ungur, Dinar 334 AH


Abbasid Empire, Egypt, Ikhshidid Dynasty, Abul Qasim Ungur, Dinar 334 AH (obverse) Abbasid Empire, Egypt, Ikhshidid Dynasty, Abul Qasim Ungur, Dinar 334 AH (reverse)

The Muslim Arabs conquered the ancient kingdom of Egypt only a few years after the death of the Prophet Mohammed (632). Since then, the land stood under the authority of the Caliphs. During the dynasty of the Abbasids (750-1258), however, several potentates managed to establish their own dynasties in Egypt. One of them was Muhammad ibn Tughj, the founder of the Ikhshidid dynasty. The Ikhshidids issued golden dinars and silver dirhams, but apparently very few bronze coins. Their major mint was Fustat near future Cairo, where this dinar comes from.


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