Calloway - The Money Case. A thriller
Detective Frank Calloway is on a secret mission. He has received an order from the very wealthy, but also somewhat mysterious Professor Sun and his smart business partner Heather Flower to investigate "money".
In the Rythm of Money - Genesis of modern Society
What do music, technology and money have in common? They are all based on a beat or a time signature. We illustrate this astonishing insight by Eske Bockelmann in our course "In the beat of money". It is no coincidence that in Europe rhythm is measured almost exclusively in beats - and that precisely since the emergence of capitalism. Coincidence?
The nature of Money - an interdisciplinary exploration
The aim of this curriculum is to cast the knowledge about the nature of money into a systematic curriculum that takes philosophical, economic, sociological and psychological dimensions into account. An interdisciplinary approach is taken in order to shed light on the various facets of money and to encourage learners to reflect more deeply on this central but elusive phenomenon.
Parable on Money
These parables are based on the Zurich Bible, which goes back to Huldrych Zwingli and his circle of translators. Beginning in 1524, various editions of the continuous translation appeared, finally culminating in 1531 with the printing of the German Folio Bible, the so-called Froschauer Bible. In the following centuries, too, the Zurich translation was revised again and again. Because of its sober, clear language and its closeness to the original text, it became a classic.
Talks about money - money moves
The personal relationship of people to money and the changing role of money in our society - that is what the film "Geld bewegt" (Money Moves) is all about. Six personalities from the worlds of business, art, the church and economic sociology have their say and share their own opinions about money. The museum director and producer of the film introduces the protagonists in more detail here and tells us how the film came about in the first place. Geld bewegt" was released in 2003.
Money Terms defined
Money is so close to us that we lack the distance to really understand it. We can't see the wood for the trees. Or tell me: what is money? Before you start pondering, let me explain twelve aspects to you. Imagine you take a few steps away from the concept of money and walk around it in a clockwise direction. At each marker of a full hour you stop and look at this dazzling concept in the middle from a different angle, each time you see a slightly different picture.
Money Tuition Course
with 14 videos by Eske Bockelmann. Arranged by Jurg Conzett.
Eske Bockelmann explains money in a comprehensive context that goes beyond financial aspects and also includes philosophical, historical and sociological dimensions.
A money course based on Eske Bockelmann's views may encourage students to think beyond the purely financial aspect and view money as a complex phenomenon that has a profound impact on human life and society.
Phaenomenology of Money
Money is much more than a means of purchase: it is a social phenomenon, can create relationships between people, level inequalities between people - or reinforce them. In this course, philosopher and business ethicist Karl-Heinz Brodbeck elaborates on the nature of money and its role in society. This course is in German.
The One-Million Pound Note
The film “The Million Pound Note” (1954) is a British comedy film based on the Mark Twain short story “The Million Pound Bank Note”. In this film, two wealthy brothers, Oliver and Roderick Montpelier, engage in a bet. They give a randomly chosen poor man (Henry Adams, played by Gregory Peck) a one million pound note to see whether he can survive for a month without spending it.
Eske Bockelmann: Money - Understanding Modern Society
Eske Bockelmann has written two books about money. Both go deep into the origins of today's credit money, show how the upheaval took place 500 years ago, what properties money has and what consequences this has had for society and the economy.
The Money-Map
Anyone tracing the phenomenon of money can approach it from many directions. To help you find your way around, we have developed the Money Map. It is divided into seven areas and takes you from the obvious, such as money and material, time and power, to the abstract, such as society and thought form. Explore the texts and accompanying videos or click through the interactive brochure "Money:Critical".