Beautiful coins
Over 2000 coins from ancient Greece through today await you in the MoneyMuseum's digital collection. And it's easy to find what you're looking for. You can search in the box below or you can use the +button to explore epochs, materials or themes.
Count of published coins: 2095
Lycia, Kherei, Stater
ca. 410 v. Chr.
Persian Empire, Satrapy of Lydia and Ionia, Spithridates, Small Bronze Coin, Kyme
4. Jh. v. Chr.
Phoenicia, Arados, Pseudo-Ptolemaic Tetradrachm
ca. 323-283 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter , Tetradrachm
ca. 320 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Macedonia, Tetradrachm in the Name of Philip II
ca. 300 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter, Tetradrachm
ca. 300 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Macedon, Demetrius I Poliorcetes, Tetradrachm
ca. 290 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachus, Tetradrachm
ca. 290 v. Chr.
Sicily, Syracuse, Pyrrhus I, Bronze Coin
ca. 278 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Tetradrachm
ca. 246 v. Chr
Kingdom of Macedonia, Philip V, Didrachm
ca. 221-179 v. Chr.
Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom, Demetrius I, Tetradrachm
ca. 200-180 v. Chr.
Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom, Antimachus I, Obol
ca. 180 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Macedonia, Perseus, Tetradrachm
ca. 170 v. Chr.
Seleucid Empire, Demetrios I Soter, Drachm
152-151 v. Chr.
Seleucid Empire, Antiochus VI Epiphanes, Drachm
ca. 145-142 v. Chr.
Kingdom of Pontus, Mithridates VI, Stater
ca. 120-63 v. Chr.
Parthian Empire, Kingdom of Elymais, Orodes, Tetradrachm
1. Jh. v. Chr.
Noricum, Tetradrachm, Kapos Type
1. Jh. v. Chr.
Parthian Empire, Mithradates II, Drachm
ca. 100 v. Chr.
Thrace, Odessos, Tetradrachm
ca. 80 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius Serratus
70 v. Chr.
Parthian Empire, Orodes II, Drachm
57-38 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
56 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
54 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
51 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
51 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
48 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Gaius Julius Caesar, Denarius
44 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Gaius Julius Caesar and P. Sepulius Macer, Denarius
44 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
42 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
42 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Mark Antony, Denarius
42 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
41 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Denarius
40 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Sextus Pompeius, Denarius
ca. 40 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Marcus Antonius and M. Junius Silanus, Denarius
33 v. Chr.
Roman Republic, Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra, Bronze Coin
32-31 v. Chr.
Roman Empire, Octavian Augustus, Denarius
ca. 27 v. Chr.-14 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Octavian Augustus, Denarius
ca. 19 v. Chr.
Roman Empire, Octavian Augustus, Denarius
ca. 13 v. Chr.
Roman Empire, Octavian Augustus, Aureus
ca. 2 v. Chr.
Roman Empire, Tiberius, Denarius
14 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Tiberius for Livia Drusilla, Dupondius
ca. 14-37 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Tiberius for Drusus, As
ca. 22 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Tiberius, Denarius
ca. 26-37 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Gaius, As
37-41 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Gaius for Marcus Agrippa, As
ca. 40 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Claudius, As
ca. 41-54 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Claudius for Antonia, Dupondius
41-54 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Claudius, As
ca. 41-54 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Claudius, As
ca. 42 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Nero, As
ca. 54-68 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Nero, Dupondius
ca. 54-68 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Nero, Sesterce
ca. 54-68 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Nero, As
54-68 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Galba, Sesterce
ca. 68 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Vespasian, Denarius
69-79 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Vespasian, Aureus
77-78 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Titus for his daughter Julia Titi, Dupondius
ca. 79-81 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Domitian, As
ca. 81-96 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Domitian, Denarius
ca. 81-96 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Titus, Denarius
79-81 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Nerva, Denarius
96-98 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Nerva, Denarius
97 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Trajan, Quinarius
98-117 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Trajan, Denarius
98-117 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Trajan, Sesterce
ca. 98-117 n. Chr.
Parthian Empire, Vologases III, Drachm
ca. 105-147 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Trajan, Denarius
ca. 105 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Trajan, Sesterce
ca. 106 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Hadrian, Denarius
ca. 117-138 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Hadrian, Denarius
117-138 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Hadrian for his Wife Vibia Sabina, Denarius
117-138 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Hadrian, Denarius
117-138 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Hadrian, As
ca. 118-138 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Sesterce
ca. 122 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Hadrian, Denarius
125 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Antoninus Pius, Aureus
ca. 138-161 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Antoninus Pius for his Wife Annia Galeria Faustina Major, Aureus
ca. 138-161 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Antoninus Pius, Sesterce
140 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Antoninus Pius, Denarius
141 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius for Faustina Minor, Denarius
ca. 149-156 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius as Caesar, Aureus
152 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Antoninus Pius, Aureus
153 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius, Denarius
164 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius, As
177 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Septimius Severus, Denarius
193-211 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Septimius Severus, Denarius
193-211 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Septimius Severus, Aureus
193-211 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Caracalla as Caesar, Denarius
198-217 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Caracalla, Aureus
ca. 200 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Geta, Denarius
210 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Geta, Tetradrachm
ca. 210 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Caracalla, As
ca. 211-217 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Caracalla for Julia Domna, Antoninianus
216 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Macrinus and Diadumenian, Bronze Coin
ca. 217-218 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Macrinus, Denarius
217-218 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Macrinus, Tetradrachm
217 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Elagabalus, Antoninianus
218-222 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Elagabalus for his Mother Julia Soaemias, Denarius
ca. 218-222 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Elagabalus for his Grandmother Julia Maesa, Denarius
ca. 218 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Elagabalus, Double Assarion
218-222 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Elagabalus, Denarius
ca. 221 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Severus Alexander, Denarius
222-235 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Severus Alexander, Aureus
222-235 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Severus Alexander, Bronze Coin
ca. 222-235 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Severus Alexander, Denarius
222-235 n. Chr.
Sassanid Empire, Ardashir I, Tetradrachm
ca. 224-241 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Denarius
235-238 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Maximinus Thrax, Denarius
236-238 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Balbinus, Denarius
238 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Gordianus III, Sestertius
243-244 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Philippus II as Caesar, Antoninianus
244-246 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Philip the Arab for Otacilia Severa, Denarius
248-249 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Traianus Decius, Double Sesterce
249 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Decius, Antoninianus
250-251 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Trebonianus Gallus, Antoninian
251-253 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Gallienus for his wife Salonina, Tetradrachm
ca. 253-267 n. Chr.
Sassanid Empire, Shapur I, Drachm
ca. 260 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Imperium Galliarum, Victorinus, Antoninianus
ca. 260-273 n. Chr.
Romano-Gallic Empire, Postumus, Antoninian
260-269 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Claudius II Gothicus, Antoninianus
268-270 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Aurelian, Denarius
ca. 270 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Tacitus, Antoninianus
275-276 n. Chr.
Sicily, Syracuse, Hieron II, Drachm
ca. 275-215 v. Chr.
Roman Empire, Florianus, Antoninianus
276 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Probus, Antoninianus
276-282 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Diocletian, Follis
284-305 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Diocletianus, Follis
284-306 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Maximianus, Antoninianus
286-310 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Galerius as Caesar, Argenteus
nach 294 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Diocletian, Argenteus
295 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Diocletian, Follis
ca. 297-298 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Diocletian, Aureus
ca. 300 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Diocletian, Argenteus
ca. 300 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Galerius for his Wife Galeria Valeria, Follis
ca. 305-311 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantius Chlorus for his Wife Flavia Maximiana Theodora, Bronze Coin
305-306 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Galerius, Follis
305-311 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Maxentius, Follis
ca. 306-312 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantine I, Bronze Coin
307-337 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantine the Great, Bronze Coin
307-337 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantine I the Great, Solidus
ca. 307-337 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantine for his Wive Fausta, Bronze Coin
ca. 307-337 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Maxentius, Follis
309-312 n. Chr.
Afghanistan, Kushano-Sassanids, Shapur II, Stater (Skyphat)
ca. 310-379 v. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantine I the Great, Light Milaresion
ca. 318-320 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantine I the Great for Crispus, Bronze Coin
ca. 322 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantine II as Caesar, Bronze Coin
324-325 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constans, Siliqua
ca. 337-350
Römische Kaiserzeit, Contantius II, Maiorina
337-361 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Constantius II, Light Miliarense
ca. 354 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Julian the Apostate as Caesar, Solidus
355 v. Chr.
Roman Empire, Julian Apostata, Bronce Coin
ca. 360-363 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Julian II the Apostate, Solidus
361 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Iovianus, Bronze Coin
363-364 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Valentinian I, Bronze Coin
364-375 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Theodosius I , Solidus
ca. 379-395 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Honorius, Solidus
ca. 393-423 n. Chr.
Byzantine Empire, Arcadius, Solidus
ca. 395 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Theodosius II, Solidus
ca. 408-450 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Theodosius II, Solidus
ca. 408-450 n. Chr.
Sassanid Empire, Bahram V, Drachm
Roman Empire, Honorius, Tremissis
ca. 420 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Valentinianus III, Solidus
426-455 n. Chr.
Visigoth Empire, Imitative Solidus in the Name of Valentinian III
ca. 450 n. Chr.
Vandal Empire, Gunthamund, 100 Denari
ca. 484-496 n. Chr.
Vandal Empire, Gunthamund, Half Siliqua or 50 Denarii
ca. 490 n. Chr.
Empire of the Ostrogoths in Italy, Theoderic the Great, 1/2 Siliqua
ca. 493-526 n. Chr.
Roman Empire, Octavian Augustus, Tetradrachm
ca. 6 n. Chr.
Byzantine Empire, Anastasius I, Follis
512-517 n. Chr.
Byzantine Empire, Phocas, Solidus
ca. 610 n. Chr.
Kingdom of the Lombards, Perctarit, Tremissis
ca. 672-688 n. Chr.
Kingdom of the Lombards, Aripert II, Tremissis
ca. 700-712 n. Chr.
Byzantine Empire, Philippicus Bardanes, Solidus
ca. 711 n. Chr.
Frankish Empire, Louis the Pious, Denarius (Pfennig)
ca. 814-840 n. Chr.
Kingdom of the Lombards, Duchy of Benevento, Sico, Tremissis
ca. 817-832 n. Chr.
Kingdom of England, Alfred the Great, Penny
ca. 871-899 n. Chr.
Kingdom of England, Canute I, Penny
ca. 1016-1035 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Duchy of Bohemia, Oldrich, Denarius
ca. 1020 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Henry II the Saint, Pfennig
ca. 1020 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Conrad II, Pfennig
ca. 1025 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Denmark, Hardecanute, Penning
ca. 1035-1042 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Margraviate of Meissen, Otto the Wealthy, Bracteate
ca. 1180 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Bracteate
ca. 1200 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Grosso of 6 Denarii
ca. 1250 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Fraumünster Abbey of Zurich, Elizabeth of Spiegelberg, Bracteate
ca. 1298-1308 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Prince-Bishopric of Treves, Baldwin of Luxembourg, Denarius
ca. 1320 n. Chr.
Kingdoms of England and France, Henry VI, Groat
ca. 1430 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Napels, Ferdinand I of Aragon, Coronato
ca. 1460 n. Chr.
Republic of Venice, Nicolo Tron, Lira Tron
ca. 1472 n. Chr.
Duchy of Milan, Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Double Ducat
ab 1476 n. Chr.
Duchy of Milan, Giovanni Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Testone
ca. 1480 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Duchy of Savoy, Charles I, Testone
ca. 1482 n. Chr.
Duchy of Ferrara, Ercole I d'Este, Testone
ca. 1492 n. Chr.
Duchy of Milan, Ludovico Maria Sforza, Testone
ca. 1495 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Isabella I and Ferdinand II, Double Excelente
ca. 1497 n. Chr.
Papal States, Julius II, Giulio
ca. 1503-1513 n. Chr.
Kingdom of England, Henry VIII, Half Groat
ca. 1509-1547 n. Chr.
Duchy of Ferrara, Alfonso I d'Este, Testone
ca. 1520 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Archbishopric Salzburg, Matthäus Lang of Wellenberg, Quadruple Ducat 1522
1522 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Duchy of Prussia, Albrecht of Brandenburg, Groschen 1533
1533 n. Chr.
Duchy of Florence, Alessandro de' Medici, Testone
ca. 1535 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Francis I, Teston
ca. 1540 n. Chr.
France, Duchy of Lorraine, Francis I, Teston, Nancy
1544 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Ferdinand I, Halbpfundner
ca. 1550 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Naples, Charles V, Half Ducaton
ca. 1552 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Henry II, Teston
1552 n. Chr.
Kingdom of England, Mary I, Groat
1553-1558 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Duchy of Gelderland, Philip II of Spain, Philippstaler 1557
1557 n. Chr.
Kingdom of England, Elizabeth I, Shilling
ca. 1560 n. Chr.
Papal States, Sixtus V, Piastra Year IIII
1588 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Duchy of Troppau, Charles I of Liechtenstein, Groschen 1619
1619 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Denmark, Christian IV, Heavy Half Crown 1625
1625 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Duchy of Friedland, Albrecht of Wallenstein, Imperial Taler 1627
1627 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sweden, Gustav II Adolf, Ducat 1632
1632 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XIII, Louis d'or 1641
1641 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XIII, 1/2 Louis d'or 1641
1641 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Imperial City of Augsburg, Taler 1641
1641 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XIII, 1/2 Ecu 1642
1642 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sweden, Christina, Riksdaler 1644, Stockholm or Sala
1644 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XIV, Louis d'or 1646
1646 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XIV, 1/2 Ecu Blanc 1650, Angres
1650 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, County of Montfort, John VIII, Gulden 1679
1679 n. Chr.
Kingdom of England, William III and Mary II, 5 Guineas 1692
1692 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XIV, Louis d'or 1693
1693 n. Chr.
Kingom of England, William III, Crown 1700
1700 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XIV, Ecu 1709
1709 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Prussia, Frederick I, 20 Kreuzer 1713
1713 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sweden, Charles XII, Riksdaler 1713
1713 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XV, Ecu 1716
1716 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Peter I the Great, Double Ruble 1718
1718 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, House of Hapsburg, Charles VI, Taler 1718
1718 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Peter I The Great, Ruble 1719
1719 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Peter I the Great, Ruble 1723
1723 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Isles du Vent (Antilles), Louis XV, 12 Sols 1731
1731 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Anna Ivanovna, Ruble 1731
1731 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Isles du Vent (Antilles), Louis XV, 6 Sols 1731
1731 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, George II, 1/2 Penny 1742
1742 n. Chr.
Austrian Netherlands, Maria Theresa, Ducaton 1749
1749 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sweden, Frederick I, Ducat 1750
1750 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Archduchy of Austria, Maria Theresa, Taler 1751
1751 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Archbishopric Salzburg, Sigismund III of Schrattenbach, Taler 1763
1763 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of Prussia, Frederick II, Levant Trade Taler 1766
1766 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Charles III, 8 Escudos 1772
1772 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XV, Double Louis d'or 1772
1772 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of Prussia, Frederick II the Great, 1/3 Taler 1774
1774 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Archbishopric Salzburg, Hieronymus of Colloredo, Taler 1777
1777 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XVI, 1/5 Ecu 1788
1788 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XVI, Ecu aux lauriers 1789
1789 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XVI, Sol 1791
1791 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XVI, 1/2 Ecu aux Lauriers 1792
1792 n. Chr.
Vereinigtes Königreich Grossbritannien, Karl IV. von Spanien, Real de a ocho (Peso) 1795 mit britischem Gegenstempel
1795 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Archeduchy of Austria, Ferdinand of Austria-Este, Taler 1803
1803 n. Chr.
Republic of France, Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul, 40 Francs An 12
1803 n. Chr.
Republic of France, Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul, 1 Franc An 12
1803-1804 n. Chr.
Holy Roman Empire, Archduchy of Austria, Ferdinand Charles of Ausria-Este, 20 Kreuzer 1804
1804 n. Chr.
French Empire, Napoleon I, 40 Francs 1806
1806 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, George III, Penny 1806
1806 n. Chr.
French Empire, Napoleon I, 1 Franc 1810
1810 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Joseph Bonaparte, 20 Reales 1810
1810 n. Chr.
Regno d'Italia, Napoleon I, 40 Lire 1812
1812 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Westphalia, Jerome Napoleon, Convention Taler 1812
1812 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Alexander I, Medal 1814
1814 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis XVIII, 5 Francs 1817
1817 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, George III, Sixpence 1818
1818 n. Chr.
Empire of Mexico, Augustín I, Real de a ocho (Peso) 1823
1823 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Württemberg, Wilhelm I, Crown Taler 1825
1825 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, George IV, 1/2 Crown 1825
1825 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Charles X, 1 Franc 1825
1825 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Ferdinand VII, Double Escudo 1826
1826 n. Chr.
Republic of Bolivia, 8 Soles 1827
1827 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Charles X, 40 Francs 1828
1828 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont, Charles Albert of Savoy, 5 Lire 1836
1836 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sweden, Charles XIV John, 2 Skilling Banco 1837
Kingdom of Bavaria, Louis I, 1 Gulden 1841
1841 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis Philippe I, 1 Franc 1845
1845 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis Philippe I, 5 Francs 1847
1847 n. Chr.
Kingdom of France, Louis Philippe I, 2 Francs 1848
1848 n. Chr.
Republic of France, 1 Franc 1852
1852 n. Chr.
Papal States, Pius IX, Scudo d'Oro 1853
1853 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sweden, Oscar I, 1 Riksdaler Species 1854
1854 n. Chr.
French Empire, Napoleon III, 20 Francs 1856
1856 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Prussia, Frederick Wilhelm IV, Vereinstaler 1859
1859 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Isabel II, 100 Reales 1860
1860 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele II, 1 Centesimo 1861
1861 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele II, 2 Lire 1863
1863 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Belgium, Leopold I, 20 Francs 1865
1865 n. Chr.
Austrian Empire, Franz Joseph I, Ducat 1867
1867 n. Chr.
Papal States, Pius IX, 10 Lire 1869
1869 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele II, 20 Lire 1871
1871 n. Chr.
German Empire, Wilhelm I, 20 Mark 1872
1872 n. Chr.
German Empire, Wilhelm I, 20 Mark 1872
1872 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Alfonso XII, 25 Pesetas 1878
1878 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Italy, Umberto I, 20 Lire 1882
1882 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Greece, George I, 20 Drachms 1884, Paris
1884 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Victoria, Florin 1885
1885 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Alexander III, 25 Kopecks 1886
1886 n. Chr.
Empire of Ethiopia, Menelik II, Birr
1887 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Victoria, 5 Pounds 1887
1887 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Alfons XIII , 5 Pesetas 1888
1888 n. Chr.
German Empire for German East Africa, Wilhelm II, 1 Rupee 1890
1890 n. Chr.
Principality of Bulgaria, Ferdinand, 10 Leva 1894
1894 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Victoria, Crown 1896
1896 n. Chr.
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Wilhelmina, 10 Gulden 1897
1897 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Nicholas II, 7 Rubles 50 Kopecks 1897
1897 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Denmark, Christian IX, 10 Kronor 1900
1900 n. Chr.
British Empire, Victoria for India, 1 Rupee 1901
1901 n. Chr.
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Adolphe, 5 Centime 1901
1901 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Edward VII for Hong Kong, 1 Cent 1903
1903 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Nicholas II, 5 Rubles 1903
1903 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Edward VII, Sovereign 1908
1908 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Norway, Haakoon VII, 20 Kronor 1910
1910 n. Chr.
Austrian Empire, Franz Joseph I, 20 Kronen 1910
1910 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Nicholas II 10 Rubles 1911
1911 n. Chr.
Russian Empire, Nicholas II, Ruble 1912
1912 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain for Canada, George V, 5 Dollars 1912
1912 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Belgium, Albert I, 20 Francs 1914
1914 n. Chr.
Republic of China, Dollar, 3rd year
1914 n. Chr.
Republic of Cuba, 5 Pesos 1915
1915 n. Chr.
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Wilhelmina, 10 Gulden 1917
1917 n. Chr.
Austrian Empire, Franz Joseph I, 100 Kronen 1915 (Restrike)
nach 1920 n. Chr.
German Reich, Weimar Republic, Province of Westphalia, Emergency Issue 5 Mark 1921
1921 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Alexander I, 20 Dinara 1925
1925 n. Chr.
Republic of Colombia, 5 Pesos 1925
1925 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Alexander I, 20 Dinara 1925
1925 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 20 Francs (3rd Banknote Series, in Circulation 1918-1956)
1929 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel III, 50 Lire 1931-IX
1931 n. Chr.
Republic of China, 1 Yuan 23rd Year
1934 n. Chr.
United Kingom of Great Britain for Australia, George VI, 1 Crown 1937
1937 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, George VI, 2 Pounds 1937
1937 n. Chr.
German Third Reich, 5 Reichsmark 1938
1938 n. Chr.
German Third Empire, 5 Reichsmark 1939
1939 n. Chr.
France, Etat Français, Philippe Pétain, 5 Francs 1941
1941 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, 1/2 Penny 1953
1953 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 20 Francs (5th Banknote Series, in Circulation 1956-1980)
1954 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 2 Deutsche Mark 1957
1957 n. Chr.
Vatican City, Pius XII, 50 Lire 1957
1957 n. Chr.
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Juliana, 1 Gulden 1958
1958 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 10 Francs (5th Banknote Series, in Circulation 1956-1980)
1963 n. Chr.
United States of America, Half Dollar 1963
1963 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Thailand, Rama IX, 1 Baht
1963 n. Chr.
Republic of Sierra Leone, Half Cent 1964
1964 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Lesotho, Moshoeshoe II, 4 Maloti 1966
1966 n. Chr.
Republic of Tanzania, 1 Shilingi 1966
1966 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, 1 Penny 1967
1967 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 2 Deutsche Mark 1970
1970 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Sweden, Gustav VI Adolf, 2 Kronor 1971
1971 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Greece, Constantine II, 1 Drachma 1971
1971 n. Chr.
German Democratic Republic, 10 Mark 1971
1971 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Morocco, al-Hasan II, 1 Dirham 1394 AH
1974 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Morocco, al-Hasan II, 20 Santimat 1394 AH
1974 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Swaziland, Sobhuza II, 1 Cent 1974
1974 n. Chr.
United States of America, 1 Dollar 1974
1974 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 5 Deutsche Mark 1974
1974 n. Chr.
Republic of Italy, 100 Lire 1974
1974 n. Chr.
German Democratic Republic, 5 Mark 1975
1975 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 100 Francs (6th Banknote Series, in Circulation 1976-2000)
ab 1975 n. Chr.
German Democratic Republic, 20 Mark 1975
1975 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 5 Deutsche Mark 1975
1975 n. Chr.
Republic of Greece, 10 Drachmai 1976
1976 n. Chr.
Republic of Greece, 5 Drachmai 1976
1976 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 50 Francs (6th Banknote Series, in Circulation 1976-2000)
ab 1976 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 500 Francs (6th Banknote Series, in Circulation 1976-2000)
ab 1976 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 5 Franks 1977
1977 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 5 Deutsche Mark 1977
1977 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 5 Deutsche Mark 1977
1977 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 2 Deutsche Mark 1978
1978 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 10 Francs (6th Banknote Series, in Circulation 1976-2000)
ab 1979 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 20 Francs (6th Banknote Series, in Circulation 1976-2000)
ab 1979 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Medal 1980
1980 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Medal 1981
1981 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, Sovereign 1982
1982 n. Chr.
Federal Republic of Germany, 5 Deutsche Mark 1983
1983 n. Chr.
People's Republic of China, 5 Yuan 1985
1985 n. Chr.
Republic of India, 1 Rupee 1991
1991 n. Chr.
State of Brunei, Hassan al-Bolkiah I, 50 Sen 1991
Republic of Ireland, 5 Irish Pounds
in Umlauf 1992-2001 n. Chr.
Republic of Ireland, 10 Irish Pounds
in Umlauf 1992-2001 n. Chr
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Republic of Ireland, 20 Irish Pounds
in Umlauf 1992-2001
Swiss Confederation, 10 Franks 1980, 8th banknote series, in circulation since 1995
ab 1995
Swiss Confederation, 100 Franks 1980, 8th banknote series, in circulation since 1995
ab 1995 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 200 Franks 1980, 8th banknote series, in circulation since 1995
ab 1995 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 20 Franks 1980, 8th banknote series, in circulation since 1995
ab 1995 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 50 Franks 1980, 8th banknote series, in circulation since 1995
ab 1995 n. Chr.
United States of America, 1 Dollar
seit 1995 n. Chr.
Swiss Confederation, 1000 Franks 1980, 8th banknote series, in circulation since 1995
ab 1995 n. Chr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, 2 Pounds 1998
1998 n. Chr.
United States of America, Quarter Dollar 1999
1999 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Juan Carlos, 50 Euro Cent 1999
1999 n. Chr.
United States of America, 1 Dollar 2000
2000 n. Chr.
United States of America, 5 Cents 2000
2000 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Belgium, Albert II, 2 Euros 2000
2000 n. Chr.
Republic of Turkey, 100,000 Lira 2000
2000 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Juan Carlos I, 1 Euro 2001
2001 n. Chr.
Republic of Greece, 10 Euro Cent 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Republic of Italy, 2 Euro 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Juan Carlos, 2 Euro 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Republic of Italy, 2 Euro 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Principality of Monaco, Rainer III, 2 Euros 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Republic of Greece, 20 Euro Cent 2002
Republic of Austria, 2 Euro 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Henri, 50 Euro Cent 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Kingdom of Spain, Juan Carlos, 2 Euro 2002
Republic of Greece, 50 Euro Cent 2002
Republic of Austria, 1 Euro 2002
2002 n. Chr.
Vatican City, Benedict XVI, 2 Euros 2012
2012 n. Chr.